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The Argument for Events: Steve Merker of Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation Connects Events to Overall Organizational Success 

This webinar will help organizations understand the true impact of events on the entire organization. This webinar is appropriate for: 

  • Leadership establishing budget and setting priorities 

  • Development people questioning the best acquisition techniques 

  • Event people who want to demonstrate and define their value more accurately—it’s more than event-specific revenue 

While consultants have often recommended cutting events based on ROI calculated on single year revenue, Steve demonstrates event impact on lifetime value of constituents who populate other revenue channels. Gone are the days when events are measured by money only. Instead, events should be primarily measured by: acquisition, retention & engagement (lifetime value), and secondarily in annual revenue.  

Steve Merker, VP of Corporate and Community Partnerships of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, and Katrina VanHuss, Founder of Turnkey For Good, help you find the words and the data you already have to prove these points.